Wisconsin Heights Players middle and high schoolers to act what they live

Wisconsin Heights Players middle school and high school youth will be performing “Just Another High School Play,” directed by Cherith Brown. Performances will be July 19th at 7 p.m., July 20th at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. and July 21st at 2 p.m. at the Mazomanie Community Building, 9 Brodhead Street, Downtown Mazomanie. Tickets are $10 online or at the door. Concessions will also be available. Tickets online here: www.eventbrite.com/e/just-another-high-school-play-tickets-943411779027 The cast, pictured above, left to right, is front row: Otto Szudy, Bri Sexton, Marcus Brown, Sophia Kogue, Lane Ruskosky, and Sydney Hooks. Middle row: Iszy O’Halek, Isabella Riese, Sydney Brown, Betty Robinson, and Eve Calvert. Top row: Brenna Schuetz, Charlie Crowson, Caleb Formo, Rylyn Krisel, and Gus Cavanagh. Missing from photo: Isabella Graedel. This play is a comedy that covers nearly every angle of the typical high school play with a dose of history and improvisation thrown in for good measure! A group of actors, who have apparently been abandoned by their drama teacher, have to fend for themselves opening night in front of a live audience. This play is sure to make you laugh. Come support this talented group of youth.

Wisconsin Heights Players middle school and high school youth will be performing “Just Another High School Play,” directed by Cherith Brown. Performances will be July 19th at 7 p.m., July 20th at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. and July 21st at 2 p.m. at the Mazomanie Community Building, 9 Brodhead Street, Downtown Mazomanie. Tickets are $10 online or at the door. Concessions will also be available. Tickets online here: www.eventbrite.com/e/just-another-high-school-play-tickets-943411779027

The cast, pictured above, left to right, is front row: Otto Szudy, Bri Sexton, Marcus Brown, Sophia Kogue, Lane Ruskosky, and Sydney Hooks. Middle row: Iszy O’Halek, Isabella Riese, Sydney Brown, Betty Robinson, and Eve Calvert. Top row: Brenna Schuetz, Charlie Crowson, Caleb Formo, Rylyn Krisel, and Gus Cavanagh. Missing from photo: Isabella Graedel.

This play is a comedy that covers nearly every angle of the typical high school play with a dose of history and improvisation thrown in for good measure! A group of actors, who have apparently been abandoned by their drama teacher, have to fend for themselves opening night in front of a live audience. This play is sure to make you laugh. Come support this talented group of youth.

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