
The Book Nook

Wade into this outdoor thriller

Geiger Counter

“This statement is a lie.”

If the above sentence is true, then it’s a lie. And if it is a lie, it is true.

Around the Block

Anna is stressed because there is a chicken roosting outside her window.

My dog takes Prozac.

In fact, she needs Prozac.

I’m open with the fact that my dog is antidepressants, and it’s usually met with an “awww,” or curiosity. My dog--Anna--always gets a few extra friendly scratches when people find out. She enjoys it, but sometimes she cowers, which is just one of the things the Prozac is for.

Cody's Movie Minute

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From the Pastor's Pen

“I will praise the name of God with song, And shall magnify Him with thanksgiving” (Psalm 69:30).

Letter to the editor

During Domestic Violence Awareness Month this October, Hope House is asking “What’s #1Thing you can do to help end domestic violence?” One person’s actions may seem insignificant, but together a community’s collective “one things” can lead to positive change.

Geiger Counter

I was devoutly unenthusiastic when we arrived at the circus.

From the Pastor's Pen

Dear Friends,

I encourage you to take a look at the Good Samaritan story sometime this week. It’s in Luke 10:25-37. As we read this story and think about Jesus we might come to realize that Jesus is really radical. Think about it for a moment.

Cody's movie minute

September is here and with it comes the beginning of spooky season. While Halloween is still a ways away, the frights have already begun with It Chapter 2. But does the movie live up to the horrifying heights set by the first It? Well, yes and no.

Letters to the editor

In response to a letter by Beverly Pestel, we agree that the response you received to your ‘Free the Children Protest’ on the Sauk City bridge was very inappropriate. But in answer to your second question we ask you to consider ours:


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