
Wisconsin Heights 2019 Homecoming Parade

The Wisconsin Heights Homecoming Parade marched through downtown Black Earth Friday, Oct. 4. Mazomanie and Black Earth fire engines carried football players, and Lodi/Heights swimming and the class of 2022 had their own floats, among others.

SP Middle School drama presents ‘The Reluctant Dragon’

Sauk Prairie Middle School drama is proud to present the funny, family friendly show, “The Reluctant Dragon,” written by Ed Monk, based on the story by Kenneth Graham. Performances are October 18 and 19 at 7:00 p.m. and October 20 at 2:00 p.m. in the River Arts Center.

Wisconsin Heights Homecoming Court ‘takes to the life of a cowboy like a horse takes to oats’

Wisconsin Heights held its homecoming last weekend, featuring dress-up week and a parade. Pictured above is the 2019 Homecoming Court on Cowboy Day. Back Row: Dylan Gee, Jack Fields, Ozur Kepler, William Hanson, Tanner Gee, Alex Levoy. Front Row: Abby Wolfe, Liz Strait, Sydney Bonilla, Natalie Hering, Yovana Sveum-Mondragon, Katie Vosburg. Photo contributed.

Wisconsin Heights held its homecoming last weekend, featuring dress-up week and a parade. Pictured above is the 2019 Homecoming Court on Cowboy Day.

Wisconsin Heights has successful summer school session

Over 400 students participated in remedial and enrichment classes this summer at Wisconsin Heights. Photo contributed

Wisconsin Heights summer school Principal Josie Geishert filled the board in on a successful summer school session at the Sept. 23 meeting.

SP High School class watches “Hometown Stories”

On September 25, Sauk Prairie High School history teacher, Dan Halling, shared Wisconsin Public Televisions’s film “Wisconsin Hometown Stories Sauk Prairie” to his Wisconsin History class at the River Arts Center. WPTV staff members Mia Forslund, Megan Monday and David Hestad were present also.

Survey on construction projects to hit mailboxes in October

Superintendent, Jeff Wright gave the board an update on the school perceptions draft survey on potential construction projects.

Tower Rock Elementary uses grant to start SOAR afterschool program

Tower Rock Elementary hosted the Sauk Prairie School Board meeting on Monday, September 23, 2019.

Sauk Prairie High School homecoming activities include pep rally, dance

Sauk Prairie high school celebrated homecoming last week. This year’s theme was Mardi Gras.
Activities included a bonfire and movie, powderpuff volleyball and football, a pep rally on Friday, and the game against DeForest. The dance was held Saturday.

Sauk Prairie school district adopts $19 million tax levy

On Monday, September 9, 2019, the Sauk Prairie School District held their Budget Hearing as well as their Annual Meeting followed by the regular Board Meeting. This was the first board meeting for new superintendent, Jeff Wright.

Gateway to the Driftless asks Heights for $2500 donation

Chris Long, executive director of Gateway to the Driftless, gave the Wisconsin Heights school board an update on last year’s progress. He was requesting a $2500 donation from the district to go towards a matching grant from the Wisconsin Department of Tourism.


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