
Heights prepays debt, saves money

The Wisconsin Heights School Board approved a defeasance of some of their 2021 referendum debt at their March 11th meeting.

Two vie for Sauk Prairie school board seat

In the race for the Sauk Prairie School District Board seat for Sauk City and Prairie du Sac, Rich Judge is going up against Nik Franciskovich. The seat is currently held and will be vacated by Joel Ludowitz.

The Star News asked each candidate four questions:


Rich Judge


Sauk Prairie School District prepays more referendum debt

The Sauk Prairie School District Board approved more savings for taxpayers at their March 11th meeting. The board has consistently made early payments on its referendum debt over the past few years, saving money that would otherwise be spent on interest payments. 

Bridges Elementary First Graders put on spectacular circus

The talented first-grade students of Bridges Elementary School took center stage last week in a dazzling circus show that left the audience, including younger students, their peers, and families, spellbound.

Heights Drama Club to perform James and the Giant Peach

The Wisconsin Heights Drama Club presents the musical “James and the Giant Peach,” on March 15th at 7 p.m., March 16th at 2 and 7 p.m., and March 17th at 2 p.m. at the school. The Star News recently caught up with a few of those involved in the performance.

First up is Ande Frazier-Knoche:

Wisconsin Heights Middle Schoolers dress for Leap Day

To celebrate Leap Day, the Wisconsin Heights Middle School Student Council asked people to “Leap Back to Another Decade.”

To celebrate Leap Day, the Wisconsin Heights Middle School Student Council asked people to “Leap Back to Another Decade.”

Sauk Prairie School District to pursue solar panels on roof

The Sauk Prairie School District board accepted a Solar Moon Shot Grant in the amount of $25,000, to help pay for installation of solar panels at their February 12th meeting.

Wisconsin Heights school board honors officers

Dane County Sheriff officers, Deputy Alex Gonzales and Deputy James Kartman, were recognized at the February 26th Wisconsin Heights Board of Education meeting for their quick action and bravery on December 21, 2023. Pictured: Deputy Alex Gonzales, Deputy James Kartman, Board President Barb Statz, and Deputy Calvin Watkins.

Dane County Sheriff officers, Deputy Alex Gonzales and Deputy James Kartman, were recognized at the February 26th Wisconsin Heights Board of Education meeting for their quick action and bravery on December 21, 2023.

Above the Line

The January Above The Line theme was “Trustworthiness.” The students listed below received awards on Friday, January 26th, from their classroom teacher or staff member who felt that they are an individual that is trustworthy. Congratulations to these students!

Top photo:

Vanguard Racing Team racing towards a finish line in May, in need of donations

The Vanguard Racing Team came to the February 26th Wisconsin Heights Board of Education meeting and gave a short presentation. They brought in the racing car they are actually working on. The students are learning so much during this process and are spending afterschool and weekend hours working. They plan to have it ready to race in May. The car is being built based on donations received, and the team thanks everyone who has donated so far. Special thanks to the Middleton-Cross Plains racing team for helping the students by sharing their experiences, and to Plastic Ingenuity for cutting some of the materials needed for this build. Interested in donating? Please reach out to Kris Hopper, Tech Ed Teacher, at

The Vanguard Racing Team came to the February 26th Wisconsin Heights Board of Education meeting and gave a short presentation. They brought in the racing car they are actually working on. The students are learning so much during this process and are spending afterschool and weekend hours working.


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